To do a cataplasm by means of raw spinach well crushed with Virgin olive oil being applied on the belly. Good result hits against the constipation and other ailments of digestive type.

To wash with moderate or warm water the area affected with home-made soap done with Virgin olive oil and soda. To clarify with quite cold water.

To bring from the field one grass called rough and to allow her to dry. To crush it and to do dust dust. To apply this dust to the wounds only, with little Virgin olive oil or dissolved in cooking with little water. The hemorrhage is cut and the wound recovers quickly. Rue. Wild plant […]

To cook cabbage in water, with onion, carrot (30 or 40 grams as a whole) and the juice of a lemon. To add a few Virgin olive oil drops and to take a cup every hour

To escape from the acne, we must wash the part affected with home-made soap done by means of Virgin olive oil and soda. Ingredients to do this home-made soap: 500 grams of caustic soda, 3 liters of water and 3 scarce liters of Virgin olive oil. Way of doing it: in a receptacle the water […]

We crush a clove of garlic along with a cotton piece or gasilla. We smear the part affected with little Virgin olive oil and put the previous gasilla wrapped in another gauze. We will stop until the distension is exempted.

We all know that our grandparents had always elementary and natural means for each and everyone of the daily problems. Against the habit of smoking we can indicate the ancient popular custom proved efficiently by many people (and if he does not help us to stop smoking, he will benefit us – undoubtedly – in […]

So that the hair recovers the vitality and the sheen lost by the treatments and products of hairdressing salon returning him its natural beauty. It is enough to apply a few olive oil drops on the hair and to leave that the oil does effect, to apply 10 minutes before soaping yourself.