–Sponge cake with picual for 4 persons — Ingredients 25th g of sugar. 250 g of flour. 150 ml of extra virgin olive oil variety Picual. 4 eggs. 100 ml of milk. 1 baking powder teaspoonful. Orange grating. Preparation In a bowl to mix the eggs with the sugar up to tying it […]

–Gazpacho with picual for 4 persons — Ingredients 1 Kg of tomatoes. 175-200 g of bread. 175 ml of extra virgin olive oil variety Picual. 1 water glass. 1 clove of garlic. (Optional) cumin. Salt. Cut hard-boiled egg. Ham divided in strips. Preparation To wash and trocear the tomato, to place it in […]

–Chicken blocks with picual for 4 persons — Ingredients 1 boned chicken breast. Extra virgin olive oil variety Picual. 1/2 onion elegantly cut. 2 chilis divided in tracks. 2 tomatoes divided in squares. 12 corn omelettes. Cut lettuce. 1/2 cup of acidified fresh cream. 1/2 cup of grated cured cheese. 1/2 tomato sauce cup. […]