So that the hair recovers the vitality and the sheen lost by the treatments and products of hairdressing salon returning him its natural beauty. It is enough to apply a few olive oil drops on the hair and to leave that the oil does effect, to apply 10 minutes before soaping yourself.
To mix 2 olive oil spoonfuls, with two spoonfuls of lanolin liquefied to the bath Maria and to apply on the skin.
Definitive remedies do not exist against the snorings, but it can help us. 50 places in a hermetic receptacle gm. of rue and we add olive oil to him up to covering it. This miscellany allows to soak for 14 days in the lintel of the window, to the sun of the day and to […]
To calm the nervousness and the pain that produce the gums when they salt the teeth in the small children. Rubs are realized in the gums with little olive oil.
The cuticles of the fingernails are massaged by olive oil before going to sleep.
To relieve them, 30 submits to cooking gm. of olive tree crust, for every liter of water. With the water that is obtained of the cooking he washes its affected area.
Olive oil is mixed with black wine and honey, quite to equal parts, and the miscellany spreads on the wound to cicatrizar. It is said that this miscellany is a wonderful cautery
30 submits to cooking gm. of dry olive tree sheets for liter of water. With the water that is obtained he washes its affected area.
An ointment is realized by means of 25 cl. of olive oil, dry flowers of manzanilla. Maria warms the miscellany to the bath for one hour and a half, it allows to cool down and filters. Later there is mixed apart a soup spoonful of Camphor and 3 spoons of alcohol to 60 °. It […]