To warm to the bath Maria 3 spoonfuls of olive oil, 1 teaspoonful of wax virgin and a half cocoa butter teaspoonful. It cremates for skins secasEnfriar and to add two rosewater spoonfuls. It cremates for skins secasRemover up to forming a thick pasta that is applied on the crow’s feet.

To diminish the high tension, it is necessary to take an infusion of sheets of olive tree before eating and other one before having dinner.

The olive oil is useful for reblandecer the stoppers and to facilitate this way its later extraction. There puts itself a pair of drops of olive oil inside the ear and the ear wraps up with a cotton. Painful gums it allows to be operated during the whole night, on the following morning the cotton […]

He adds a few olive oil drops to himself in the palm of the hand and the feet are massaged.

There is placed in a glass a pair of fingers of olive oil and the fingernails submerge in him, during 5 minutes once a day before going to sleep.